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Information For Chapter Treasurer or Membership Chairman

A. Renewal Process Steps:
1. Early September - Send renewal notices.

Place a chapter label on a return envelope. Place member label and Chapter label on the Renewal Form. Place both in larger envelope and mail out. You may wish to mail these along with your newsletter. If time allows, a personal note from you is also a warm invitation to renew.

Associate members - Please don't mix up your associate renewals with your regular members. Your chapter roster has an "A" after the member type for your associates. Send them an associate membership renewal form.

Life members receive no renewal notices.

2. Early October - Time to send the late reminder letters.

3. Early November- Please arrange for volunteers to call members who have not renewed.  Sometimes this gentle nudge is all that is needed.

Please send the renewals to our office as soon as possible; do not hold them until they all arrive. This is important because there is a renewal deadline. Renewals must be received by the ARS office by December 1st to be included in the mailing list sent to the Journal publisher. Renewals received after this deadline will not receive the Winter Journal. Anyone who missed the deadline may still read the Winter Journal online or purchase it for $10.00 (US & Canada) and $25.00 (foreign).

B. Membership Categories and Dues:

Category ARS Office Chapter Credit Total Dues
Regular (R)
(One or two people in same household.)
$30.00 $10.00 $40.00
Commercial / Corporate (C) $80.00 $10.00 $90.00
Sustaining (Su) $63.00 $12.00 $75.00
Sponsoring (Sp) $136.00 $14.00 $150.00
Student (St) $5.00 $5.00 $10.00
Associate [see note below]  $0.00 $10.00 $10.00
Life, single Payable over 3 year period ($400, $300 & $300)
chapter credit: $10/year (see notes)
Life, family Payable over 3 year period ($500, $500 & $500)
chapter credit: $10/year (see notes)
18/15 Month New Member $30.00 $10.00 $40.00


One must first be a chapter member in a regular, corporate etc. category before one can become an associate of another chapter.

Life member chapter dues are paid annually to your chapter for the members that joined after July 1st 1984. Members may change chapters unless they are life members prior to July 1984.

New Members Only - new members joining after April 1st will get a bonus of the following year membership.

D. Downloadable Forms and Procedures:
1. Renewal Express Form - the quick way to process your renewals.  Fill it out, add it up and mail it or fax it.  If you set this up on e-mail, but be sure to include all information in a columnar format including the name and the membership number.  If you email renewals, and send the check by mail with the same list of renewals, be sure to write "COPY".  This will eliminate duplication at the office.  Please be sure to send the payment with the renewals or within 30 days of electronic renewals.

2. New Member, Changes, Donations, Order Form - Use for everything else.  Add multiple pages where necessary.  Just follow the form - it's self-explanatory.  Questions?  Call or E-mail OARS at [email protected].

Confidential Check Box - if your members mark this box on the renewal envelope, it must be marked on your transmittals.  Otherwise, all information, including phone, fax and e-mail will be shown in our membership roster.  Be sure all of your members know about this even if renewing at a meeting.

Credit Cards - These will only be accepted for new members joining on the web and for offshore members.  Be sure the information is complete and clear and include the three-digit verification code.

Financial Detail Reports (FDR), new membership lists and Chapter Changes are posted at the end of each month at this web site.  Log-in is required to access the reports.  Contact OARS if log-in assistance is needed.

Please keep your chapter balances at "0" at all times. Check the reports every month for errors and keep records current.

NOTE: All the Research Foundation donations should be sent directly to: Perc Moser, Treasurer, ARS Research Foundation, 301 Caversham Rd. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010