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ARS Program Library

The ARS Program Library provides programs on DVDs that chapters can purchase for use at their meetings. These DVDs are viewable using a computer and digital projector or with a DVD player and a TV.
The DVDs currently available are:

  • Garden Walks 2006 - Gardens visited during the joint convention of the ARS and ASA in 2006 in Rockville MD area.
  • Frank Fujioka Program - Talk given in 2006 to the Societe Bretonne Du Rhododendron in France
  • Elepidote Hybrids in Central NJ - Hybrids selected by the Princeton Chapter Study Group. Narration by Jerry van de Sande.
  • Arunachal Pradesh, India - Narration by Ron Rabideau.
  • The Zurich Garden - Narration by garden creator, Dr. William Zurich
  • Rhododendrons at the Golden Gate - 2007 Annual Convention with narration.
  • Rhododendrons in the Wild West - 2007 Annual Convention with narration.
  • A Spring Walk in Walter's Woods - Spike and Kay Walters Garden in Western PA.
  • Nepal: Our Ultimate Rhodo Flowering Experience! - Narration by Ian Chalk, Australia
  • Oban Scotland 1996 ARS Convention Revisited - Narration by Win Howe
  • Pruning - Presented by Charles Feryok